Programs at Bethel
We welcome visitors and "seekers" to worship with us and to participate in activities at the church. If you are interested in church membership, please reach out to Pastor Laura.
Christian Education
Our children and youth are a blessing to our church family. Sunday School is offered all year, with classes for preschool through adults. From casual fellowship gatherings to formal classroom study, young and old alike are welcome and encouraged to join in. Below are some of the learning opportunities at Bethel:
Sunday School - Offered each Sunday for Preschool through High School.
Adult Bible Study - Adult classes discussing biblical and social topics are scheduled throughout the year.
Church Camp - Offered by Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ, each summer youth and families may travel to Camp MO-VAL in Union, Missouri, for a few days of outdoor fun and games.
Music Ministry
Music is an active and meaningful part of worship life at Bethel. Adults, youth, and children have opportunities to praise God through music.
Chancel Choir sings September through May. Choral cantatas are presented during Christmas and Easter seasons.
Praise Team leads contemporary songs throughout the year.
Bell Choir, UCCuleles, and Recorders perform throughout the year. Musicians of all skills levels are invited and welcomed.
Sunday School Children present a Christmas program celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Community Service
Through special and designated offerings, Bethel supports a variety of local, national, and international outreach programs.
Local Support
Blue Springs Terrace
City Union Mission
Clay County Clothes Closet
Kansas City Hospice Northland
Meals on Wheels
Family Promise
Festival of Sharing
Northland Assistance Center
UCC National
Strengthen the Church
Neighbors in Need
One Great Hour of Sharing
Fair Trade Products
Community Outreach
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) program hosted at Bethel the third Tuesday of each month.
Hillcrest Ministries and Eastgate Middle School family adoptions at Christmas time.
Election Day Polling hosted at Bethel.
Boy Scout Troop 707 and Cub Pack 707 meet at Bethel.